Bruce Jenner on 14 yo daughters bikini photoshoot: hot, not inappropriate

US Weekly has a video interview with 60 year-old former Olympian and plastic surgery victim, Bruce Jenner. (Above) Jenner, who is married to Kris Kardashian and often seen on the family’s reality show, was asked to comment on the controversial bikini photo shot that his 14 year-old daughter, Kendall, released as part of her bid to be a model. He didn’t see anything wrong with it, and described it as “hot” and like “a model shoot that any 20, 25 year-old would do” adding that the controversy was over his daughter’s age at the time, but that she “wasn’t showing anything that was inappropriate”

I heard about that on the news, in fact…

She shows me the pictures [after they were released to the media]

She wants to be a model. It was a model shoot that any 20, 25 year-old would do and never say anything about it.

But because she’s 14, all of a sudden [people are asking] is it right for a 14 year-old to do this?

Now, she wasn’t showing anything that was inappropriate or too much cleavage or anything like that.

They were just hot shots, you know, for like an older person…

If that’s what she wants to do, she wants to be a model, more power to her.

I sat her down and said ‘Hey, lookit. This is a career. It could be a very good business for you, but school comes first, big guy.’

[Transcribed from US Weekly video]

Bruce looked embarrassed in the video, in my opinion, but resigned to the fact that his daughters are going to do what they want. Yes they were “hot shots“, but the “for an older person” part is what people are focusing on and what Bruce should be questioning too. Kendall is not 20 or 25, she’s not even 16 or 17. Many of you have noted that these type of bikini photoshoots are typical for model portfolios even at the young age of 14. That’s fair enough, but let’s consider the fact that this isn’t part of Kendall’s online or offline portfolio and that this family chose to release and publicize this. It’s not like Kendall wants to be a model and is shopping these photos around to agencies. Her family put them online for promotional purposes and that’s much different. It doesn’t surprise me that Bruce doesn’t have a problem with this given how lenient he’s been with his daughters.




