Creating a standard SRD with the Service Request Definition form - Documentation for BMC Service Req


Field name


SRD Details

Request Type

Select Standard. The Standard request type must be linked to a standard type PDT. A standard PDT contains processes that result in the instantiation of fulfillment requests. See Creating a standard PDT.

Advanced Interface Form

(Optional) Select an alternate set of questions to appear in the Request Entry console. See Creating and using advanced interface forms.

Process Template

(Optional) Specify the PDT to include with the SRD. You can also associate questions with the SRD.

Note: A standard SRD requires a standard PDT, and quick launch SRD requires a quick launch PDT. See the following topics:

SRD Details (continued)

Reopen Request

(Optional) Select Reopen Fulfillment Process or Create New Work Order.

  • Selecting Reopen Fulfillment Process:
    • Restarts the previous fulfillment process, if the process resulted in only one process step, such as a single incident or change request, that has not been closed. If the request is closed, a work order is created. If the status of the fulfillment request is "resolved", the request is reopened.
    • Creates a Work Order, if the process resulted in multiple process steps, such as a combination of a change request and a work order in sequence.
  • Selecting Create New Work Order always creates a Work Order.

Expected Cost

(Optional) Cost budgeted for this SRD. Cost can be linked to service targets.


(Optional) Actual price of this SRD. To select a currency other than the default currency that appears in the Price field, select a currency from the Price field's drop-down list. This is the currency that appears on the Request Entry console and the service request. When a user submits a request from a Delivery SRD, the service offering price is passed to the fulfillment application. If the request is added to the cart or saved as a draft, the administrator for the Atrium Service Catalog can change the price in the Atrium Service Catalog, and the price is reflected on the SRD. After the request is submitted, the price can no longer be changed.

Note: For consistency, make sure that the currency for the price in the SRD and the corresponding service offering (in the Atrium Service Catalog) are the same. If service requests in the cart on the Request Entry console are shown with different currencies from each other, the total price is calculated based on the currency ratios. For information about configuring currency ratios, see Currency exchange ratios.

Turnaround Time

(Optional) Define turnaround time for this SRD in Hours, Days, Months, or Years. Turnaround time is used to calculate the expected completion date of any Service Request that you create from the SRD. The Required Date field is populated automatically.

However, if you set a value of 0 with any time unit, you will have to manually enter a value in the Required Date field when you create a new Service Request from the SRD.

Note: To calculate the expected completion date accurately, business hours and holidays must be configured. For information about configuring business hours and holidays, see Configuring business hours and holidays.

Account Number

(Optional) Enter an account that this SRD will be billed against, for example, Accounting or IT.

SRD Details (continued)

System Request

(Optional) Select Yes to show this SRD as a Popular Service on the Request Entry Console. For more information, see Defining popular services.

Request Catalog Manager


Select the catalog manager's company from the list. You use this field with SRD approvals. See Configuring approvals for SRDs and requests.


Select the catalog manager's full name from the list. You use this field with SRD approvals. See Configuring approvals for SRDs and requests.

Effective Dates and Times

Start Date

(Optional) Enter the date that this SRD goes online. After the SRD is approved and deployed, it becomes available online after the date you enter here. See Deploying SRDs.

End Date

(Optional) Enter the date that this SRD is no longer available. The SRD record automatically changes to an Expired Offering status after the end date is reached. You can always reset this end date when it reaches the Expired state.


First Name

(Optional) Use auto-fill to enter the SRD customer's first name. Press Enter to view additional information about the customer.

Last Name

(Optional) Use auto-fill to enter the SRD customer's last name. Press Enter to view additional information about the customer.

Service Catalog Information


(Optional) Select an Atrium Service Catalog service to which you want to link the SRD. Click the Search Catalog icon to open the Atrium Service Catalog and create a new service. Click the Search icon to open the CI Relationship Search form, and search for a service. If you do not select a service, the default global service is applied after you save the SRD.

Note: When you create an SRD, a requestable offering is automatically created in Atrium Service Catalog. For more information, see How service request definitions are related to Atrium Service Catalog.

Service Catalog Information (continued)

Service Offering

(Optional) Select an Atrium Service Catalog service offering to which you want to link the SRD. If you do not select a service and service offering, the default global service and service offering are applied after you save the SRD.

Offering Type

Select the type of offering for the service:

  • Delivery — The SRD (Requestable Offering) is used to activate the Service Offering (for example, initially setting up the equipment to use a phone service). Users pay an activation fee only once. You can have only one Delivery SRD for each service offering.
  • Transactional — An SRD (Requestable Offering) used to make a request which is associated with a Service Offering (for example, phone service, internet, and so on), or an SRD used to make any other request. You can have multiple Transactional SRDs for each service offering.

    Note: (Version 8.1.01 and later) Each Transactional SRD can be related to multiple service offerings. If you select a new service offering and save the SRD, the previous service offering relationship is not deleted. Instead, the new service offering is added to existing relationships, although you cannot see the multiple relationships from this form. You must administer your Transactional SRDs as request actions in the Atrium Service Catalog.

Create Business Process

(Optional) Works with the Service field if you properly configured the SRM Request Definition Settings form. See Defining service request definition settings. If the Create Business Process check box is selected (the default) and you have related a service CI to the SRD, the SRD automatically creates the process that works with the service CI.
