Donald Trump: George Washington was a chump for not putting his name on everything

President Donald J. Trump participates in a roundtable discussion on School Safety

Donald Trump is rooted in ahistorical ignorance. He doesn’t even understand the depth of his own stupidity, and his apathy at learning even bare-bones history is well known. It doesn’t help matters that he’s also one of the tackiest men to ever exist, a person who believes “class” is a buffet of fast food and gold-plated everything. He’s also got to put his stupid Nazi name on everything because he thinks that’s classy. So when Donald Trump visited Mount Vernon a year ago with the French president, he showed off just how tacky and ignorant he really is:

President Donald Trump had some advice for George Washington. During a guided tour of Mount Vernon last April with French president Emmanuel Macron, Trump learned that Washington was one of the major real-estate speculators of his era. So, he couldn’t understand why America’s first president didn’t name his historic Virginia compound or any of the other property he acquired after himself.

“If he was smart, he would’ve put his name on it,” Trump said, according to three sources briefed on the exchange. “You’ve got to put your name on stuff or no one remembers you.”

The VIPs’ tour guide for the evening, Mount Vernon president and CEO Doug Bradburn, told the president that Washington did, after all, succeed in getting the nation’s capital named after him. Good point, Trump said with a laugh.

[From Politico]

“You’ve got to put your name on stuff or no one remembers you.” Says the man who doesn’t know sh-t about why we actually remember people. In his mind, George Washington was a fool who should have branded everything with his name. Mount Washington, Washington Tower, Washington Hotel & Casino, Washington Church, Washington Horse Feed & Supply, Washington Outhouses and more. What a chump, Trump thinks of our first president, the same founding father who won the Revolutionary War and refused to be declared King of America. I weep for what’s become of us.


Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.
