L&S: Angelina Jolie is desperate to be skinny & refusing to eat

Last week, some British tabloids decided to pick a fight with Angelina Jolie’s bones. The claim was that Jolie was subsisting on 600 calories a day, and that she currently weighs only 97 pounds. In Touch Weekly ran a “follow up” cover story about how absolutely CRAY-CRAY Angelina still is because she and Brad leave the kids with nannies so that they can have liquor-soaked date nights. Sigh… can’t you tell that we’re about to go full-throttle into another publicity tour for Brangelina? I can already feel the Jolie-induced tension headache coming on.

Anyway, this week’s Life & Style just picks up where those other tabloids left off. Apparently, Angelina is “desperate to be skinny” and “starving herself,” and “refusing to eat.” Also, she’s “run down, nervous and worried” because of the stress of promoting In the Land of Blood and Honey. L&S changes up her diet too – In Touch claimed last week that Angelina is all about non-cream based soups and tea. L&S says that Angelina’s diet is “green tea, almonds, red wine, handfuls of cereal and gummy bears.” Gummy bears? FATTY. So what does Brad think? “Brad’s a country boy who’s into steak and potatoes. He tells her to bulk up on some carbs. She just tells him to get over it.” Er… what? He’s all, “Baby, eat some tater chips.” And she’s all, “STFU I HATE YOU YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME.” Does anyone really think that is their relationship dynamic?

Besides that, I’m still not seeing any kind of drastic weight loss in Angelina in the past six months or so – when Brad was filming in London and Scotland, I could have sworn that Angelina looked like she had put on a few pounds too. Gossip Cop got a “denial” from “a source close to Jolie” (???) who says that L&S’s story is “100% false”. Meh.

Cover courtesy of Jezebel, additional pics by Fame.
