S05.E08: Uncle Carl - Shameless

This episode was indeed depressing.

Although I'd like to see him on my screen every week, Run Gus. Run. Most guys probably wouldn't want to talk to Fiona after what she did, but Gus explained to her calmly and honestly how he felt. She can't expect things to go back the way they were just because she apologized after admitting to screwing StimJack. I loved V pointing out Fiona's hypocrisy when she blasted V for going on a date and throwing her marriage away.

The lost promise of Jeffrey Dean Morgan is apparent to me every time I see Dermot Mulroney's scenes with Fiona. It's not the actor because I loved him in The Wedding Date among other things, but there's something about the character that doesn't work for me. And what kind of advice is asking Gus not to go on tour? Playing in the band is part of his livelihood. What, he should stay at home and not make that money while he waits around for Fiona to spend whatever little bit of time she can with him? A nice gesture, but about as feasible as Fiona joining them in their van.

Ian and the pill flushing. First, I'm angry at Fiona for leaving Debbie in charge of Ian and his meds. I know she had to go to work, but still. I'm also annoyed with Debbie because she was so busy texting she didn't pay attention to Ian, which was kind of important. She's a teenager, true, but she was more responsible a few years ago when she ran the daycare. Now her caretaker skills are on par with Fiona's. Speaking of that, WTF was Fiona thinking leaving Liam with Frank?  And did she take a joint from Frank and rub it out on the floor with her foot, then just leave it there? Where Liam could pick it up? Did I see that right? Why is she even ok with Frank and Sammi being in her house (other than to watch the kids because she can't be bothered)? And why can't Sammi get a job? Surely Fiona's waitress job can't be paying all the bills.

I worry about Ian not having his meds. Intentional or not, his actions did put Yevgeny in danger. I teared up a bit when Mickey finally came to see Ian.

Lip's scene in the financial office was amazing. I don't think he was using Ian's illness to get the extension, he was merely explaining the things that were going on in his life and why it was so important for him to continue his education without interruption. 

And what does Sammi even do for a job? She's relying on the Gallaghers quite a bit, so turning in Carl would and should only work to her detriment. She's not the legal guardian to the kids, she has no right to the house, she wasn't even invited to live there by anybody, and oh yeah, she shot Frank in the house in front of three minor children. In fact, Carl witnessed Sammi shooting Frank. Sammi just turned against a kid with a pretty big trump card against her. Assault with a deadly weapon and her calm comment about how a few inches and she could have hit a major blood vessel could get that bumped up to attempted murder.

I'm surprised having Carl tell the police that Sammi shot him didn't occur to Frank, it would have taken care of Sammi with a lot less collateral damage. But instead, Frank got Carl to strap the drugs to Chuckie. Then Frank called the police on Chuckie which led to Carl getting arrested as well. So Frank got Carl arrested, the same son he protected a couple of seasons ago by saying he robbed the foster couple's apartment by himself.

I feel so sorry for poor Chuckie being part of this fucked up family.

I'm loving Svetlana and how matter-of-fact she is about everything.
