Who is Arthur Leigh Welohr? Criminal history explored as American man arrested after beheading fathe

A 35-year-old San Francisco man Arthur Leigh Welohr with a history of violence was reportedly arrested on Sunday, September 24, for "beheading" his father-in-law after a dispute over the family business in Indonesia.

Arthur Leigh Welohr, who was married to the victim’s daughter, was arrested in Banjar, West Java, Indonesia, over the brutal murder of his father-in-law, 58-year-old Agus Sopiyan.

The motive for the murder appears to have been a disagreement over a failing business venture that the suspect was running alongside his father-in-law in Indonesia. The initial argument turned into a physical altercation after the suspect accused his in-laws of driving a wedge between him and his wife.

Shortly after, neighbor’s, who initially dismissed the sounds emerging from the victim's house, ran into the home, where they saw Welohr slitting Sopiyan's throat. Neighbors, who saw the gruesome scene unfold, restrained the suspect until police arrived at the scene.

Arthur Leigh Welohr was arrested in 2015 in San Franciso for stabbing a couple in their 50s

On Sunday, September 24, a San Francisco man Arthur Leigh Welohr was arrested in Indonesia over the brutal murder of his father-in-law, Agus Sopiyan, whose head was found hanging from his shoulders at his home following a heated argument. A witness named Rizal told Viral Press that they failed to intervene in time as the initial argument over a business venture quickly escalated into physical violence.

"The neighbors here initially thought it was just an ordinary argument. But it turned out he pushed and slit his father-in-law's throat."

According to viral press, the suspect, who is married to the victim’s daughter, had previously vandalized his in-laws’ house but was not arrested at the time despite the incident being reported to the police. The outlet revealed that the victim's daughter covered the cost of damages following the incident.

This is not the first time the suspect was involved in a violent incident. Arthur Leigh Welohr has a criminal past dating back to 2015 when he was arrested in San Francisco at the age of 26 for attempted murder. At the time, the suspect allegedly used a sword to injure a man and a woman in the Bay area's Silver Terrace neighborhood.

A report from 2015 on CBS revealed that at the time, Arthur Leigh Welohr, who was living on Elmira Street in San Francisco, pulled out a sword and slashed the victims, both in their 50s, following an argument.

Welohr allegedly slashed a 59-year-old man’s head, hand and shoulder and a 56-year-old woman’s hands. The victims were transported to San Francisco General Hospital with injuries. Subsequently, Welohr was arrested for two counts of attempted murder.

It is unknown if Welohr was convicted of the crime. Meanwhile, local Indonesian authorities, led by Adjunct Inspector Nandi Darmawan, head of Public Relations of the Banjar Police said that they are investigating the recent crime.

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